Friday 28 May 2021

Resolving Azure PostgreSQL FQDN Part 2

 Hello All,  Just a quick update on using Flexible Server for PostgreSQL in Azure . 

This is updated version from previous post in here - Part 1  

The objective of this post is to allow the connection to postgresql with the latest update applied to this services . below is the update ; full details update here - PostgreSQL Release Note 

Here is the overview of the deployment and by the end of this , connection to postgresql can be made from on premise and from server in azure. 

Component Involved 

1. VPN Gateway ; Connecting On premise with Azure Environment 

2. vNet Peering ; if there a spoke network involved 

3. Private DNS Zone 

4. PosgreSQL Flexible Server ( vNet Intergration)

5. Azure VM running AD DNS 

Step 1, Create Private DNS Zone with desired name, i would suggest something like psqldns.xxxxx

Step 2 , Configure the Virtual Network Link with private DNS Zone 

Step 3. Create postgreSQL and use vnet intergration, during this creation, the dns zone option will be appear . 

*This is the result once the deployment completed

Step 4 . Configure vNet peering if your azure architecture is deployed in hub and spoke. 

Step 5 . Configure Site to Site VPN from on premise to Azure 

Step 6 . Create conditional forwarder in AD 

         6.1 Forward request on on premise to AD running in Azure VM 


       6.2 Forward request on on AD running in Azure VM  to Azure DNS 

7. Test the connectivity from any premise server 


Alright, that all from me this time... 

Special thanks to MS support (Bruno Maia & Mohammed Abuhamdieh)  and my colleague Husna who work with me on solving this case so that i can share this solution to all of the reader.. 

Do comment if there any question .. 

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