Hello All,
Having to play with kubernetes or K8s is great plus point and now, public cloud provider like microsoft has their manages service k8 offering; AKS to be running on Azure Stack HCI .
As service is now running on your datacenter, but with azure arc integration , it also can be view from your azure portal with some parameter need to be pass to get the view
i was abit struggling to find the token in order to view the k8 properties on portal but after sometimes, i manage to pull it. i will share the step here so it will be easier for you to get that token to be use in few place . Here is what you need
1. AKS running on HCI with azure arc enable
2. try and error ; but i will make easier
For me, i use free software to access my k8s cluster which is Lens , so browse through the secret in the k8 and look for some key word, one thing that caught my eyes is azure arc, so i click to look into the content of the secret.
so i unhide the token and copy over the token and paste over in azure portal like the first picture and walla , all the namespace appear.
i have also incorperate the token into my kube config because i want to use the same kube config to acess k8 either via lens or k8-dashbaord. here how u add into the existing kube config
add the extra line with token : <your token> and pay attention on the allignment due to format.
that all for now, thanks for reading and stay safe.