Saturday, 20 November 2021

Do this on your AGIC

 Hi all, 

i would like to share some finding you are deploying application gateway ingress controller or AGIC in short form. 

There behavior of it keep deploying defaultaddresspool and the address pool that u specify in your terraform code. 

 backend_address_pool {

   name = "${var.agname}-beap"

   fqdns = [



So let say your var.agname is AGIC.. so defaultaddresspool  and AGIC-beap backend pool will replacing each other everytime you  run terraform apply. 

After searching then i found there some workaround which some lifecycle management has been added to ignore the changes of the block listed in it. 

  lifecycle {

  ignore_changes = [













source : stackoverflow 

some other workaround i tested before getting to this is edit the gateway time and set the agic reconcile  

after all been added according and i try to deploy 3 sample with agic, it is all running smoothly,,

 so why not i reshare the finding on stackoverflow and what i done here for your reading, sample to try this available on my terraform github .

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Adding an S make it work

 Hi all, 

this is just quick sharing on the issue i just face this morning . While creating and NSG rule for terraform i for an error mentioning that the parameter should be in string but i have already put it in string format 

after a while searching, i found this github issue - [HELP WANTED] NSG - Multiple Ports in One Rule · Issue #4518 · Azure/azure-quickstart-templates · GitHub

so to make it works, just and an S to it, from range becomes ranges .

yup, that all needed..

Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day 

Kubecost on AKS Part 02