Friday, 19 February 2021

Configure Alert when Azure VPN Tunnel Disconnected

 Hello Everyone, 

This blog post just to enhance and provide more guidance to existing Microsoft documentation that we have here.. 

- Configure Alert for VPN tunnel

You may follow the guide as stated in the document and please note there will be some time for the log to be propagated into log analytic. 

For my case, i did the setup 2 day before configuring the alert. 

One more thing to take note is , the VPN tunnel must experience a disconnected stage in order to get the alert being setup smoothly ; this is due to some parameter pump into log analytic

If you did not have disconnected stage, you may experience an error like below .

 and if you continue to create an alert, this error will happen 

this can easily sorted out by removing the "remoteIP_s" line but what you will end up is this alert will monitor all the tunnel that your VPN gateway has. 

for my case, since i have the disconnected scenario , the query in log analytic run smoothly 

as long this result come out, you will have no issue on using the same query when creating the alert but change the TimeGenerated from 3 day to 5 minute . 

See the different between the picture number 2 and number 4. 

for more details on my report with microsoft fork, you may refer to this github link - Invalid Query · Issue #70493 · MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs (  and thanks to my colleague Hidzuan for be with me throughout the troubleshooting 

That all for now, do drop a comment and feedback if any... 

Thanks for reading and bye for now.. 


Kubecost on AKS Part 02